Friday, December 2, 2011

photo session 12/2/11

I decided that I am on a photo posting run, so I am going to show you some of the things we saw.  Enjoy!
This man was the pastor at the Baptist Church in Crooked Tree, Belize.  We spent some time visiting him on his death bed... He was praising the Lord with us.  A lifetime of Service to God.  His church has not had a pastor for about 20 years and he prays daily that God will send one.

Jamal recieved Christ in my sunday school class.  What a blessing.  He was one of 8 saved in that class.

singing in Sunday morning service at Belmopan Baptist Church

Maverick enjoyed Chili Lime Takis.  They are a rolled Corn Chip with Chili Powder and Lime.  Spicy, but SOOO GOOD!

Maverick's favorite animal in Belize!  Mine too.

Maverick colored during our layover in Houston, TX

Shaunna and Maverick sitting on the bench outside of the airport waiting for the rest of our group.

This is Blue Thumb Mission.  We held our camp here


General assembly

These are nurse sharks.  We actually were able to swim with them in Caye Caulker.  There were stingrays too

Maverick had Lobster at Caye Caulker

This is pretty much all of the beach you will find in Belize.  this is Caye, pronounced Key, Caulker, a small island off of the mainland

This little boy is the family of our cook, Yevette.  His first and Middle name is Barack Obama... yes really.  And his sister's name is Michelle

Maverick and our sponsored Child, Marcos

after camp some of the youth, or as they say "Utes" hung around and talked with us

class time

General assembly day 1 of week 2

last year we met this little baby.  Her brother is our sponsored child

Shaunna with Kristen Trese and Jerry McMurray during Evangelism with food

This is the Jaguar Temple in the Mayan ruins in Lamanai

This family is one we met last year.  Sweet, Sweet children

This is the main source of income in many families in Belize

Home of a "Rasta" man next to our compound 

my two favorite past times, Holding babies and taking a nap!

This is where I asked Maverick "What did Jesus do?" Maverick: "He died on the Cross". Me: "why?" Maverick: "For my dirty sins"

Sweet children

this gives you an idea of some of the homes that we visited.

Belizean village park bench!

class photo.  This was Shaunna's class

At the end of our first week we took some of our friends to the Belize zoo.  Good times

this boy followed us the entire time we were in the village

Mary with Josephena.  She is a wonderful woman everyone got hugs and kisses... Maverick got many many kisses!

Maverick singing to the kids in general assembly

This is how to do village evangelism with food

Luke, one of our missionaries with Clowie, Maverick's new "Girlfriend"

Maverick and I during Evangelism with food.  He said, "Can I give silly bands to the kids?  They don't have many toys." I am blessed to have children with servants' hearts.

If you would like the opportunity to put your faith in action by either going on a trip or by pledging a monthly or yearly donation, email me at

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