Sunday, May 13, 2012

Update Belize airathon

. I have bad news and good news.  I will start with the bad so that I can end on a positive note.  We have not, as of yet, received the funds needed to get our airline tickets.  We are about half way.  To date, we have received $1,090 of funds needed.  We also have had pledges totalling $250.  In Total this gives us $1,340.  This still leaves a short fall of $760.  The good news is that the price is still the same and I was able to cancel my hold on the price and get a new one.  Our new deadline is tomorrow at 11:59pm.  We ask you to pray that God will show you what you need to do to help us in this ministry.  You can make Donations through the WePay link at the top right corner of the blog. Thank you for your continued prayer and support of this ministry.

Darin Linkins Family

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