Tuesday, June 5, 2012

So, we have our airline tickets for Belize, our trip is in a little over a month away, and we have around $3500 to raise. We were just told that we need to get that in by June 11. We are trying to plan some more fund raisers, but for now, I am going to ask that if anyone would like to donate, please do over the next week. We can pull another Marathon! the easiest way, again, is to make payments through our Wepay link: https://www.wepay.com/donations/2012-linkins-family-belize-mission-trip. Thank you again for your support in this ministry opportunity. If you wish to send a check, you can make it out to Body and Soul Ministries and mail it to 3964 Hwy 11-E, Limestone, TN 37681. Please put "Linkins Family" in the memo line. And, if you would, please send me a message stating how much you donated so we can keep track of how much more we need to raise. Thank you, and God Bless You. Feel free to share on your wall so all of your friends can have the opportunity to team with us to reach the people of Belize.

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