Friday, August 5, 2011

belize day 12

Internet was down last night so I am having to get things caught up this morning.  We packed up our stuff this Thursday morning and brought it to Blue thumb Mission.  We had to move out to make room for the team here for book distribution.  We had our last day of camp.  Shaunna's class had one girl saved during teaching time.  We ended the day strong, then walked down to the river and then went to Body and soul for dinner.  We came back to the camp and had devotions and then had a bond fire.  That was a good day.  Off to bed and getting up early for our trip to Lamanai Mayan Ruins.  Thank you for your prayers this week.  We have seen almost 20 people come to Christ this week and around 35 last week.  I think 55 people is a pretty good number!  God Bless

In his service,
Linkins family

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