Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Blog update 8/9

We arrived back home yesterday evening safe and sound and the first thing I did when we got unpacked was to hang up our new hammock.  I got to relax in it for a little while, then off to my job to check on how things have been going.  I am exhausted today.  My sleep schedule is a little off, but I should get things caught up in a day or two.  We want to thank you for your support and prayers.  We will be adding updates as we find new info about our planned move.  God has given us a wonderful opportunity to serve Him.  We are supposed to meet with the director of Body and Soul when he gets back stateside.  This should give us more info on what we may be able to do in Belize.  Please pray for God's guidance.

Grace and Peace,
Linkins Family

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