Monday, September 5, 2011

Belize update 9/5/11

Dear Friends,
Life has been pretty busy since we returned to the states.  I have started an email address for our ministry.  I wanted a separate email account to have a more accurate account of supporters.  this email will be strictly for this ministry.  It is  It has been hard getting back into the swing of things.  We have been missing our friends in Belize so much.  We are already working on our next trip and are thinking of leading a group ourselves.  Last year we had one group, this year, the burden for the people of Belize doubled from our group and we had two groups go down.  Next year we are working toward having 4 groups going down through the entire month of July or possibly June and July.  God is working in that country to bring people to him.  He is also working in this country as for sending people to Belize that Love God and want to serve God.  If God is laying this on your heart, I would love to hear from you.  If you would like to sponsor a child through Body and Soul Ministries, also send me an email at  We are already raising support for our trip next year.  We will be planning to take both of our children with us next summer and due to this, our support need is going to go up to almost $6000.  If you would like to donate support for this trip, Please make a check out to Spring Creek Rd Baptist Church, and send it to us at 3706 Mary Anna Dr. East Ridge, TN 37412.  We will make sure that the check gets through the channels so you can add it to your taxes.

As most of you know if you have either talked with me or read my entire blog, we are planning to move to Belize.  We are hoping to be able to move down there next summer, Early spring if God wills it.  We will be needing to raise support of $20,000/yr for our expenses.  We are looking at probably another $10,000 for the first year due to needing to get moved down there.  We have to ship our truck down, as well as some furniture and personal belongings.  We believe that God wants us down there permanently and He will furnish the support needed to do so.  If you would like to support that by pledging $10, $20, $50, $100 a month, or any amount as a faith offering, please send me an email with your name, address, email, and the amount (for our records) that you can pledge.  Also, you can send checks via our church to the same address listed above.  thank you so much for all of your prayers and support as we plan our move to Belize.  We are looking forward to seeing how God works in the next year.

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