Friday, November 25, 2011

Update 11/25/2011

I would like to say to everyone, Happy Thanksgiving.  It has been a long busy month and I have no been able to do half of the things I have needed to do, but the overime pay at work has been helpful in catching up on many of our bills.  There have been many things that we have needed to get for our mission work and we are finally getting them.  I was able to get a smaller 4x4 pickup truck.  It is much better on gas than my former truck and my former truck was not a 4x4.  Last night I sat outside of Kohls for too many hours to be the first in line and was able to get a projector for very cheap.  This will help in showing slide shows at churches we visit.  The hardest thing for us is to go to a small church and not have anything to show our slides on.  This hurdle is now out of the way.  Please pray that God will open more doors for us to visit more churches in the next couple of months.  We are nailing down dates to return this summer.  It is looking like it will be sometime in June or July.  We are very excited as we will be taking both of our boys with us this time.  We have to start our fund raising immediately as we will be needing to raise somewhere in the vicinity of $6,000 this year.  We are excited to be going back and this may give us a chance to look at some available property while we are there.  Please be in prayer that God will open those doors by (1)providing our funds to go this summer, (2) opening up some property, at least 5 acres, (3)by providing the funds to purchase the property and build on it, and (4) to provide the support to move and live there.  Again, if you would like to support our ministry, you can make checks payable to: Spring Creek Rd Baptist Church and send it to : 3706 Mary Anna Dr. East Ridge, TN 37412.  If you would like to commit to monthly gifts towards our move, please send me an email a Thank you for partnering with us in our mission work. 

In HIS service,
Darin Linkins and Family

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