Monday, October 24, 2011

Belize update 10/24/2011

It has been a while since I have updated my blog, so I thought I would do so now.  I was out of work for one month due to my arm injury, but am back at work now.  I have been working non-stop since returning.  I did send out many emails to churches, but have yet to hear back from them.  It is hard to get into churches with the economy as it is.  I do ask any readers that want to help, please talk to your pastors and see if it may be possible to get us in to talk to your churches.  We can travel to churches in other states but are a bit tight on time.  Please pray that new avenues of raising support will open up.  I recieved word from our friend Yon Bevans in Belize that he knows of some property is for sale and has been talking to the owner.  It is a beautiful 7 acre lot in Burrel Boom.  He did send some photos but has not gotten a price as of yet.  I am hoping to hear that soon.  Please be in prayer that we may be able to get it at a reasonable price.  If we could get that, we could go down at different times of the year and build on it so that when we move there, we can have a place to stay.  God is working to get us to Belize.  We are more and more homesick for Belize as time is going on.  Satan is on the move trying to block our work.  Please pray for protection from the enemy.  Thank you for your continued support of our ministry both prayer and financial.  Any donations can be made out to Spring Creek Rd Baptist Church and sent to 3706 Mary Anna Dr. East Ridge, TN 37412.   We are planning to go back this summer and this time taking both of our boys.  This is going to cost much more and will be a bit harder to raise, but with God, All things are possible.  We are looking to raise about $6000 for this summer's trip.  Our hope is to stay down there at that time, but it is in God's time.  In order to be able to stay we must raise an annual support of $20,000/yr.  If you are able to partner with us to reach the people of Belize, please let me know by sending me an email.  If you know someone who may be willing and able to partner with us in our ministry, please direct them to our blog and give them my contact info.  We are looking for at least 20 partners to commit to $100/month to support this much needed ministry.  Our goal in Belize will be to make disciples of new Christians as well as reaching the lost for the Kingdom.  We will house short term groups as they come to perform camps, and follow up on any decisions made during those trips.  Thank you very much for your support.
In HIS service,
Darin Linkins and Family

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