Thursday, December 8, 2011

update 12/8/2011

Hello friends,
We are pleased to announce that we are returning to Belize this summer.  We will be going to Crooked Tree Village July 14-21.  We are taking both of our boys, so this raises the rae quite a bit this summer.  We have to raise in the neighborhood of $6,000 for our trip this year.  We will again be doing a VBS, and be able to visit with many of the people of that village and hopefully many more in the area.  We are looking forward to once again be able to serve God through bringing the Gospel to the people of Belize.  This has become our passion and we pray that you will become passionate about this ministry opportunity as well.  God is working in the Country of Belize.  Won't you consider being a partner with us in this harvest?  We will begin fund raising at the beginning of the year, but you don't have to wait until then.  You can send a check made out to Spring Creek Rd. Baptist church to our address at 3706 Mary Anna Dr. East Ridge, TN 37412.  Add a note that it is for Belize missions.  We appreciate one time gifts as well as monthly or yearly pledges for our full time plans to move to Belize.  We need to raise the total of $20,000/yr in support for that one.  Thank you for your prayers and support as we seek to serve God in Belize.

In HIS service,
Darin Linkins and family

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