Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Belize update 12/20/2011

Greetings Friends,

I pray that this update finds you in good health and in good spirits.  At this time of year things get hectic with Christmas planning, travel, and yes, Shopping, but I hope that you have taken the time to plan to make Jesus the main point in the Christmas holiday.  Without Christ, we could not have Christmas.  This is the most important part of this season.  This is the time to celebrate the best gift to all of mankind.  This is the reason that we go to Belize to share the gift that God gave to us.  Now, for an update.

Today we have started to take a pretty big step towards our moving to Belize.  A few weeks ago I contacted a mission board about our call to Belize.  Today I received a call from the Vice President of Missionary Personnel at that mission board.  He asked me what we planned to do in Belize and he told me that they have a mission built up that was made for the same purpose.  He said that instead of the 5 acres we were looking for, they have 100 acres.  He told me that it was up and running.  They employ several local people in groundskeeping, cooking, etc.  He then told me that it was just outside of the town of Roaring Creek.  This is the town that we stay in when we go down.  He then told me something that I think may be the answer to our prayers.  He said that the missionaries that are running it are planning to come back to work at the home office in Mississippi and that they are looking for a missionary family to fill that vacancy!  This place is already set up to do what we feel God leading us to do and this is a very good opportunity.  Please continue to pray for God's guidance as we proceed in looking at this.  I am planning to call him back tomorrow to discuss this further.  We will still need to raise our funds and again I am going to ask that if God lays it on your heart to join us in this ministry, please email me your commitment.

In HIS service,
Darin Linkins

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