Monday, April 9, 2012

Update 4-9-12

Friends, as you know, we are going back this summer to Belize.   The dates we will be going are as follows, leaving 7/12 and returning 7/24 We will be spending Thursday through Sunday in Roaring Creek, Belize.  Monday morning we will be going to Crooked Tree, Belize in the Northern part of the country.  We will host Vacation Bible School for the week.  We will be returning to Roaring Creek on Friday and will be heading back stateside on Tuesday.  We are arriving earlier than our group and leaving later.  This will allow us to talk to some ministries that are up and running and also allow us to look at some property while we are there.  We are taking two teens from our church, as well as our family.  Our goal to raise in support is $8000.  this sounds like a lot, but if we break it down, we need 200 people to donate $40.  We are also going to be doing some fund raisers to help raise this money.  Won't you consider prayerfully what God would have you do?  Will you be one of 200 to partner with us in this mission to reach the lost?  Check out our Adopt-a-Village program that we have going on this blog.  This is a great opportunity to help out.  You will find this a few posts back.  We pray that God will speak to your heart as to how you can help.

In HIS service,
Linkins Family

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