Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Update on Adopt-a-Village program

It has come to my attention that some people are a bit confused about this program, so I want to clear up some of that confusion.  When "adopting" a village, we are not asking any kind of monthly donation, it is simply a one time donation to this trip that we are going on, unless you feel God calling you to do a monthly, or quarterly donation, then by all means go for it.  We are asking for a one time donation to our mission trip this summer.  We are, however, hoping that this will do a few things as stated in my prior post, I am reposting this.
 1. We pray that through this, you will gain a greater appreciation for the people of Belize as we have.  This is done through both prayer and research.  Prayer grows us closer spiritually to those we are praying for.  We gain a greater concern for the people that we are praying for. Secondly, by researching the villages that you adopt, you gain a greater appreciation for the people that you have adopted. 

2. We pray that through this program, you will gain an even closer relationship with Christ.  When we pray, we talk to God.  This is an opportunity for you to have something SPECIFIC to pray for. 

3.  And, of course, We pray that through this program, we will raise much of the needed support for our trip. We cannot go on this trip without the prayer and support of you.

So, How do you take part in this program?  First, Pray that God will lead you to adopt the village that He would have you adopt.  Second, look through the list of villages, which are separated by districts.  Third, Choose a village and send me an email  to takinggospeltobelize@gmail.com and tell me: 1. which village you are adopting, 2. The amount you wish to pay for this adoption, A ONE TIME DONATION.  There is no minimum amount you can pay to adopt a village.  There is no maximum you can pay either.  Pay what God would have you pay.  3. Send payment, either by paying through the wepay.com link to the right of this blog, or by sending in a check made out to Darin and Shaunna Linkins.  Send checks to 3706 Mary Anna Dr. East Ridge, TN 37412

I have decided that, in order to make this a little easier to read, I am going to change it up a little.  I have decided to highlight one district EACH WEEK.  If God is laying it on your heart to adopt a village to donate to our ministry, choose a village.  This may make it look a little less cluttered than previously posted.

Belize District

Boston          Maskall         Crooked Tree        Santana         Lucky Strike            

Biscayne      Gardenia        Sand Hill        Burrell Boom       Isabella Bank          

Double Head Cabbage       Bermudian Landing      Lord's Bank             

Ladyville        Belize City        Willows Bank        St. Paul's Bank          

Rancho Delores        Big Falls       Hattieville       Gracie Rock

Gale's Point

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