Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Update 5-8-2012

As life has gotten more and more busy, I have missed updating this.  So, a lot has happened in the time since I last wrote.  It looks like we may actually get custody of the two kids we have taken in.  This will be a wonderful opportunity for them to have a happy home life.  We did a fund raiser at Chick-Fil-A and raised just shy of $200!  We do appreciate the support that was shown by our friends here in the Chattanooga/N. GA area.

Now, back to the Adopt-a-Village program.  We are focusing on the Corozal District.

Please look through the names of this district and choose a village to "Purchase".  Email me at takinggospeltobelize@gmail.com with the amount of your donation.  Again, this is not a monthly gift, it is one time... unless you wish for it to be a reoccuring gift.  We ask you to prayerfully consider supporting our ministry efforts.

In HIS service,
Darin Linkins Family

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