Thursday, September 8, 2011

update 9/8/11

Dear friends,
     We have encountered a blessing in disguise.  Tuesday morning I was in my basement and I stepped on a wet spot and fell.  On the way down, my arm hit a bottle and broke the bottle slicing a severe cut to my forearm.  After 6 hours of waiting, due to the fact that I had eaten breakfast 10 minutes before it happened, I had surgery to repair the muscle, tendons, nerves, and veins.  I missed the artery by just a few millimeters.  After about 6 more hours, I was released into the care of my lovely bride.  We had the feeling of defeat for a moment when I was told that I would not be able to return to work for at least 6-8 weeks.  As my pain subsided, I realized that this trial was also a blessing.  I have, at least 2 months where I do not have to be back in time for work, so this gives us the opportunity to visit more churches in the attempt to raise support for our move to Belize.  Please be in prayer for fast recovery of my injury, my pain, that I will be able to spend much needed time with my boys, and most of all, that we will be able to raise a majority of our support with this time that I have just recently occurred.  Also, please be in prayer for financial support in this time.  I used most of my vacation time on our recent trip to Belize.  I do not regret that, but I do not have that Paid time off to use.  I do have about 1 1/2 weeks worth of sick leave, and that will help, but it will leave about 5-6 weeks of unpaid time off, so I do ask for prayer for God's provision in that area.

God Bless,
Linkins Family

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