Tuesday, September 20, 2011

update 9/20/2011

This is mostly an update on my injury, but many people are wondering, so here goes.  I just got back from the surgeon's office.  My cast is gone... finally.  I am wrapped in an ace bandage and have a splint to keep me from bending my wrist too much.  Two of the muscles are not healed, but are healing.  The stitches were taken out and the incision is looking good.  This past weekend we were able to visit Discovery Church in Knoxville.  We were not able to speak as it was kinda a nearly last minute decision to visit with them.  The Pastor and Youth Pastor are friends of ours from College.  It is a small, fairly new church, and the pastor said that he was not sure what they can do, but will try to come up with something.  We are praying that God will open up some doors to visit some more churches and also will cover the expenses of going to these churches.  If you would like to get us to your church to share our ministry, please send me an email to takinggospeltobelize@gmail.com

In Him,
Darin Linkins

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