Saturday, January 28, 2012

Blog Update 1/28/2012

It has been a while since I have last posted, but I hope to let you know what is going on.  We are working on filling out our application for Global Outreach International.  It seems like when you feel like you have a full plate, that God throws something your way to stretch you so that you can realize how much God can provide.  We have just started to receive that very thing.  We were at church a few Sundays ago when one of the teens in my youth group came to us.  He told us, after I sat him down, that his step mother had kicked him out of his house at 14 yrs old.  He went home with a family from our church for the night.  The next evening I took him to his house to talk to his parents.  They had a different story as to whether he was kicked out.  They said that they had told him that if he couldn't follow their rules, he could find another place to live.  At the end of the visit it was decided that my wife and I were going to take him into our house for 6 months to help him work through some rebellion issues as well as to allow his family to decompress.  This was 3 weeks ago.  Things are going great with him.  He has finally started to relax and enjoy being part of our family.  We enjoy having him in our home and after several new revelations the Tennessee Dept. of Children's services has stepped into the mix.  They are looking into why he is staying with us and talking to the parents to see what else is happening.  Without going into too much detail, it is looking like his 13 yr old sister may be moving in with us as well.  I have been working on getting another room ready for her in the case that she does.  I have a meeting with DCS and the father on Monday.  This is definitely a stretch for us.  Financially, we have no idea how we will afford this, but know that we have a Heavenly Father that promises to provide all of our needs.  We are planning, whether they come to stay with us or not, to take them with us this summer to Belize with us.  This brings our costs up exponentially, but again, we have a Father who promises to provide.  So, we have a couple of mission fields in our laps right now.  One at home and one in Belize.  It is through your donations that we will take these kids to Belize where they can perform a service to others.  A week away from their phones, computers, and their other distractions will do them a lot of good.  They are wonderful kids and are really excited about the thought of going to Belize.  This is a lot on our plates and sounds like an impossible task, but one thing that God proves over and over is that With God, ALL things are possible.  We ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us to spread the Gospel to Belize.  We are looking at an $8000 trip with Myself, Shaunna, Maverick, Dylon, Taylor, and Allison.  Much of that is the airfare down there.  Again, please prayerfully consider sending a $10, $20, $50, $100 or more gift for this trip.  It can be a check written to Spring Creek Baptist Church and sent to:   3706 Mary Anna Dr.
                                                                                          East Ridge, TN 37412

Thank you and God Bless.

Grace and Peace,
Darin Linkins and family

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