Monday, February 13, 2012

Update 2/13/12

As we start raising funds for our Belize trip, we have been looking for different ways to raise the support.  To make things easier for those donating, we have taken on the help of  I am attaching a link to this site as well as twitter and Facebook.  We are taking two teenagers with us this year.  Taylor Correll, who has been living with us for the last couple of months and also Sabrina Oliver, a girl in our youth group who has shown much interest in doing a mission trip.  They are both very excited about going.  We hope you will consider supporting us in our ministry to reach the people of Belize with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  This year we will spend a few days in Roaring Creek, then going to Crooked Tree to hold VBS.  We are looking at needing to raise about $8000 for this trip.  This amount is pretty large, but we serve a master that owns the cattle on a thousand hills, so this is just a drop in a bucket for him.  Thank you for your prayers and support.

Grace and Peace,
Linkins Family.

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