Saturday, March 17, 2012

Update 3/17/12

Well, God is working in our lives.  This is apparent by the Satanic attacks that we are experiencing.  As many of you know, we took in a boy in our youth group a couple of months ago.  We have been raising him as our own. Lately, we found out that his sister is getting abused at home now.  We have been working with the Department of Children's Services, DCS, to get this family the help that it needs.  We have been trying to bring peace to this girl's life and trying to temporarily get her removed from the home.  It is a dangerous and uncomfortable for her.  Word has reached her father and step mother of what we are trying to do.  He has made statements that he is coming Sunday to take Taylor back to the home and send him to boot camp (Something that I don't see helping Taylor at all).  This is a stressful situation for all of us, especially Taylor and his sister, Allison.  These two kids have become a very special part of our lives.  They have become family to us.  Please be in prayer for God's hand of protection over these kids.  These are the two that we are planning to take to Belize with us this summer.  It looks like this may be in jeopardy.  We are praying for God's provision in this matter.  As for Belize, We are working on getting some fund raisers together.  We are going to do a taco luncheon after the church Easter Egg Hunt.  On top of that, we will have cakes made by myself, as well as some donated to us to auction off in a silent auction.  We are planning some car washes starting soon, and a yard sale with donated items in May.  We will most likely be selling a lunch at that event.  Please pray that these events come together smoothly.  Thank you for your continued support and prayer.

In HIS service,
Darin Linkins and Family

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